310/ 667-0147
JITA Actor's Workshop in one of the most comprehensive Actor's Workshops in the entertainment industry. Our clients boast many of the top actors today in television, commercials, motion pictures and print. We train our actors to beat out the competition and we can truly live by the motto, "OUR ACTORS WORK!"  Our rates are the lowest in the industry but the best instruction by teachers who are accomplished in the industry for over thirty years. We have a 75% Success rate. We not only teach acting, but The business of acting also.  Talent is 10% and business is 90% of building careers in Hollywood. Call today and register for classes now. Our classes are by appointment only so Call NOW!! Get your career as a successful actor or performer started today! Classes sizes are limited. W offer private zoom coaching and classes. Book your class today. Call Now!
Contact Us
JITA ACTOR'S WORKSHOPS   310/ 667-0147  Register Now For January 12 week Class  www.jitaactorswork.org